Hello! I’m Lynnette, the creator of this blog and designer of the crochet and DIY craft patterns I will be sharing here on My Passionate Soul. I’m a craft making, crochet obsessed, coffee loving, iced tea junkie who is passionate about life and passionate about this blog. All of
of the patterns here on the blog are FREE to you, my fellow creators, and my hope is that you will find inspiration from my designs and will stop by often.
My Story in a Nutshell

I am a Southern California native, born and raised and still living here in sunny So Cal, but I’m really just a wanna-be country girl at heart y’all. I am a game playin’, good food eatin’, family time lovin’, God believin’, die-hard country music fan who can’t get enough of that down-home southern sound. My long-time favs are Florida Georgia Line, Thomas Rhett, Dan & Shay, Blake Shelton and Kenny Chesney. Any other fans out there? Spending quality time with family, as often as possible, has always been hugely important to me, and doing life with family, extended family and my close circle of friends makes this wanna-be thankful, grateful and blessed!
My greatest blessings are my two beautiful daughters, Alyxe (pronounced Alex) and Amber. Alyxe, my oldest, married her college sweetheart, Matt, in 2018. They live in Fresno, CA with their sweet dog Indigo. Alyxe is an elementary school teacher and is currently teaching 1st grade, and Matt is an accountant for the government.
Amber, my youngest, lives in Chino, CA with her boyfriend, Alex, and their rambunctious puppy, Hunter. Amber is our nanny extraordinaire and has made a career working for several awesome families over the years. She also has a side hustle selling Cricut-made stickers, cups and t-shirts.
Two amazing daughters, a roof over my head, food on the table and great family and friends who love me unconditionally…what more could a girl want?!

My Passions

So what makes this passionate soul so passionate? – As you’ve already read, family is a huge one. But I’m also passionate about…potato chips! There, I put it out there, yes, I am passionate about potato chips. They are my all time favorite snack and I can eat them any time, day or night, plain or flavored, and I can even eat them for breakfast! They are a guilty pleasure that I have to admit I sometimes don’t always feel guilty about. Maybe that’s why I am no longer at my ideal weight – ha!
I’m absolutely passionate about crochet & DIY crafts! Give me a tasty cup of coffee or an ice cold glass of tea (depending on my mood), some yarn or crafting supplies and a good TV show, and I am one happy camper! Lifetime and Hallmark movies and I have made many projects together!!
I’m passionate about my home and making it comfortable and welcoming! I love to decorate and my style is all things farmhouse with bits of shabby chic, BOHO, retro and vintage thrown in the mix. I’m a sucker for weathered wood, galvanized anything, chicken wire, mason jars, burlap and statement signs, and I have an obsession for flowers (real or artificial), buffalo plaid and little touches of lace.
I’m also passionate about my faith and the belief that God has a plan for me and my family. I’m passionate about my relationships with people and making others feel special and valued. And I’m passionate about life, finding beauty in the simple things, and living with grace and compassion.
My New Journey

Other than taking some time to be a stay-at-home mom when the girls were little, I have always held down some sort of administrative office job. I had been working for a local university for 10+ years, when suddenly I was let go due to

a huge campus-wide layoff. I was devastated, depressed and wondering what the heck I was going to do with my life. I’m no spring chicken after all. I’ve spent the last few years in a life of uncertainty, but, relying heavily on my faith, I think I might have figured out the next chapter of my life. So here I am, jumping in with both feet and giving this designing and blogging thing a try. With lots of prayer and fingers crossed for good measure, I’m hopeful that this new journey will be successful, and I invite you to take this ride with me!
My Favorite Talent ... Creativity

Once of my greatest (and favorite) God given talents is my ability to create. I’ve been a crafter for as long as I can remember and have tried all sorts of mediums. As the girls were growing up, I was always the classroom parent, Bible School staffer and Girl Scout leader that volunteered to take charge of the crafts. Over the years I have found that I really like to work with felt and yarn, and even though I don’t know how to sew, for some reason I am totally drawn to fabric. All the pretty colors and prints seem to quickly catch my eye and lure me in. I’m a follower of the newest craft trends and have this need to try out the latest and greatest thing for myself and maybe put my own twist on it. To me, there’s just something so satisfying about creating something beautiful with my own two hands! I also love to dabble in graphic design and love that, with a really great design app I’ve found, I can be as creative with this blog as I choose to be. Yay!!
My Love for Crochet

I’d rather crochet more than just about anything else. Housework… do I have too?! Somehow a skein of yarn and a crochet hook always find their way to my lap and I wind up sitting and crocheting the hours away when I should be doing one of those “I really hate housework” chores like the laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting… oh how the list goes on!
I picked up the skills for crochet about five years ago. I wanted to learn a new talent and took to YouTube and Pinterest and set my sights on crochet. With lots of practice, a slew of hits and misses, and several projects later, I convinced myself that I was ready to try my hand at actually designing and writing a pattern. One that someone else could follow and not just me. I think I surprised even myself when I did just that. Not only did I create a pattern you can actually follow, but I found the perfect outlet for all my creative energy…designing crochet patterns! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do creating them.
My Recipes & Something More Categories

This blog is a space for me to share my crochet & DIY craft designs, but it’s also a space where I will occasionally share some of my favorite Recipes. Recipes from childhood, recipes I’ve come up with myself over the years, and Pinterest recipes that I’ve actually tried, love and have added to my home menu selections. Some of these recipes will be included with certain patterns, like my Judy’s Pumpkin Pie and Homemade Crust recipe which is included with my Crochet Pumpkin Pie Hot Pad and Coasters pattern, and the Ranchy Southwest Soup-in-a-Jar recipe that is posted with my Crochet Bowl Cozies.
My Something More category is a space where I will share random things I’ve found on Pinterest that I think are useful, with the thought in mind “If I like it chances are someone else will too.” I will include How-To’s, craft projects that aren’t my own, and handy, go-to information like charts, guidelines and recommendations.
All subscribers welcome! If you would like to stay current and receive email updates with the latest My Passionate Soul news, alerts to new FREE patterns, exciting giveaway info and more, you can sign-up at the Subscribe section of the sidebar menu. I promise you will never receive any spam, just yarn news and other crafty stuff!

Happy Creating Y'all!

Contact Me
I would love to hear from you! Feel free to leave me a comment below, use the ‘Contact Me’ section on the top menu bar and leave a comment there, or email me directly at mypassionatesoul123@gmail.com.
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